Пользователь reddit под ником DON-ILYA нашёл в базе данных бюро авторского права США 24 новые карты. По его словам, количество карт в настоящий момент составляет 267. При этом журналисты говорили о том, что при релизе в Artifact их будет 280, в том числе 44 героя.
Новые карты:
Источник: reddit
Новые карты:
- Avernus' Blessing
- Blood Rage
- Buying Time
- Drow Ranger
- Gust
- Heartstopper Aura
- Ristul Emblem
- Shield Of Aquila
- Slip into Shadow
- Stonehall Elite
- Thunderhide Packmate
- Track
- Unearthed Secrets
- Verdant Refuge
- Whirling Death
- Abaddon
- Act Of Defiance Spell
- Adoring Wingfall Hammer
- Aghanims Sanctum
- And One For Me Spell
- Aphotic Shield
- Arcane Assault Spell
- Assassin's Shadow
- Assassin's Veil
- At Any Cost Spell
- Axe
- Barbed Mail
- Barracks
- Beastmaster
- Bellow Spell
- Blade of the Vigil
- Blink Dagger
- Bloodseeker
- Bolt of Damocles Spell
- Bristleback
- Broadsword
- Call The Reserves Spell
- Caught Unprepared Spell
- Centaur Huntsman
- Centaur Warrunner
- Chain Frost Spell
- Chainmail
- Champion of the Ancient Creep
- Cheating Death
- Chen
- Claszureme Hourglass
- Claszureme Meddling
- Cleansing Rite Spell
- Clear The Deck Spell
- Cloak of Endless Carnage
- Combat Training Spell
- Compel Spell
- Corrosive Mist Spell
- Cover Of Night Spell
- Crack The Whip Spell
- Crippling Blow Spell
- Crystal Maiden
- Cunning Plan Spell
- Curse Of Atrophy Spell
- Dark Seer
- Defend the Weak Spell
- Defensive Bloom Spell
- Demagicking Maul
- Diabolic Revelation Spell
- Dimensional Portal Spell
- Dire Melee Creep
- Dirty Deeds Spell
- Disciple of Nevermore Creep
- Divided We Stand Spell
- Divine Intervention Spell
- Earthshaker
- Echo Slam Spell
- Emissary of the Quorum Creep
- Empower Spell
- Enchantress
- Enough Magic! Spell
- Enrage
- Escape Route
- Fight Through The Pain Spell
- Fog of War Spell
- Foresight Spell
- Forward Charge Spell
- Fur-Lined Mantle
- Gank Spell
- God's Strength Spell
- Golden TIcket
- Grand Melee
- Grazing Shot Spell
- Hand of God Spell
- Hellbear Crippler Creep
- Helm of the Dominator
- Hero Resolve Spell
- Hero's Cape
- Horn of the Alpha
- Hound of War Creep
- Inside Job Spell
- Intimidation Spell
- Ion Shell Spell
- Iron Fog Goldmine
- Ironbranch Protection Spell
- Jasper Daggers
- Kanna
- Keenfolk Armor
- Keenfolk Turret
- Kraken Shell Spell
- Leather Armor
- Legion Commander
- Lich
- Lion
- Lodestone Demolition Spell
- Lost in Time Spell
- Luna
- Magnus
- March of the Machines
- Mazzie
- Meepo #1
- Meepo #2
- Meepo #3
- Meepo #4
- Murder Plot Spell
- Mystic Flare Spell
- Necrophos
- Nyctasha's Guard
- Oath
- Obliterating Orb
- Ogre Conscript Creep
- Ogre Magi
- Omniknight
- Outworld Devourer
- Path of the Bold
- Path of the Cunning
- Path of the Dreamer
- Path of the Wise
- Pick a Fight Spell
- Pick Off Spell
- Plague Ward Creep
- Platemail
- Poaching Knife
- Prellex
- Primal Roar Spell
- Pugna
- Radiant Melee Creep
- Rampaging Hellbear Creep
- Rampaging Vandal Creep
- Ravenhook Creep
- Ravenous Mass Creep
- Rebel Instigator Creep
- Red Mist Maul
- Red Mist Pillager Creep
- Remote Detonation Spell
- Rend Armor Spell
- Revtel Convoy Creep
- Revtel Signet Ring
- Right of Tarrasque
- Rising Anger Spell
- Rix
- Rolling Storm Spell
- Roseleaf Rejuvenator Creep
- Roseleaf Wall
- Routed Spell
- Rumusque Vestments
- Satyr Duelist Creep
- Satyr Magician
- Selfish Cleric
- Seraphim Shield
- Shiva's Guard
- Shop Deed
- Short Sword
- Sister of the Veil Creep
- Skywrath Mage
- Slay Spell
- Smash Their Defenses Spell
- Smeevil Armsmaster Creep
- Smeevil Blacksmith
- Soria Kahn
- Soul of Spring Spell
- Sow Venom Spell
- Spring the Trap Spell
- Stars Align Spell
- Steam Cannon
- Stonehall Cloak
- Stonehall Plate
- Stonehall Polearm
- Strafing Run Spell
- Sucker Punch Spell
- Sven
- Take Aim Spell
- Temple Of War
- Thunder God's Wrath Spell
- Thunderhide Alpha Creep
- Tidehunter
- Timbersaw
- Time of Triumph Spell
- Tinker
- Treant Protector
- Trebuchets
- Tresdin's Standards Spell
- Troll Soothsayer
- Truth to Power Spell
- Tyler Estate Censor
- Undisciplined Artillery
- Untested Grunt Creep
- Ursa
- Venomancer
- Ventriloquy Spell
- Vhoul Martyr
- Viper
- Viscous Nasal Goo Spell
- Wrath of Gold Spell
- Zeus
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Источник: reddit